Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy Late Memorial Day

This week has been sweet. To start it off, Elder Evensen got bit by a dog. We were talking to a ward member and she was holding a little chihuahua. The little guy was growling at us while we were talking. So Evensen stuck out his had so the dog could smell it and be his friend. It sniffed for a sec... then bit down hard. It was so funny. We had to go home and wrap his hand up. He was not very happy with the dog.

After that, we had a week of teaching people. We had at least one lesson every day this week. So every day made me happy. We had an 11 year old, Maikayla, answer her own question. She asked why we end prayers in the name of Jesus Christ. Which is a really good question to come from an 11 year old.

Almost as soon as she asked it she thought about it and gave a perfect, pure doctrine answer for her own question. It was awesome! She and her sister are getting baptized in a couple weeks. They haven't been raised in any belief and get so excited every time we come over so they can learn and feel the spirit.

Yesterday we talked to a guy on the street. He said he was a Non-Denominational Christian. He told us he has been contacted by missionaries several times before and wasn't interested. After some persistence, he opened up a bit and told us some questions he has. We answered a few with scriptures from the Book of Mormon. There was a noticeable difference in him after he heard the scriptures. He asked for our number and told us we were welcome over any time. It was so sweet to see the spirit that the Book of Mormon brings and the change it makes in people as they feel closer to Christ.

Hope all is well with yall. Keep in touch.

Elder Pearson

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