Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Busy, warm week.

We had 4 baptisms this Saturday.  I got to perform two of them. It was way sweet. Except for one of them the water was too low so it took a couple tries to fully submerge Libbie, in the water.

Elder Pearson, Libbie, Elder Tutt

Alyssa & Mikayla Parkin (and dad) with Elders Evensen, Pearson and Tutt


Since we baptized 4 people, we were short on people to teach. This week, as we've been looking for more, chances have suddenly been showing up to teach. I'm really excited for the upcoming little bit.  We get to meet new people and prepare them for the saving waters of baptism. One of the people we're going to start teaching soon, is the sister of Alyssa and Maikayla, who talked to her all about their own baptism this last week and got her interested. The sister will be in town for about a month, so it'll be hard teaching her, but if there is gonna be a miracle, I think it'd be for someone trying to do the Lord's work in His church.

I heard something interesting during a talk this Sunday. It was if you were arrested, charged, and tried in a court of law for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to condemn you? I thought of Matthew Chapter 5, verse 16, which says: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." We all need to be an example of what we believe and why we believe it. I know I've had times that there wouldn't be enough convincing evidence to put me in jail for being a Christian.  All I can do is try to live my life right and let the light shine.

This work is amazing! I've had such great support from my family and friends. Keep it up. I'm so happy to be out here helping people in whichever way I can.

Elder Pearson

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