Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Baptize -se

Transfer week. Elder Evensen, who I've served with for 4 1/2 months, is going to Syracuse. I am staying in Clinton and am going to serve with Elder Tutt. I don't know anything about him because he's only been out for 6 weeks, but he seems like a sweet missionary so it'll be exciting.

We're going to have a very young district. If you combine the time that all four missionaries in our new district have served it'll be 18 months. So it will be young, but we're going to get a lot of work done.

I got to go to a baptism this week of some one, Christie Morris, who I taught back in the Terrace.

(Elder Pearson and Christie Morris)

She had 13 missionaries total teach her. It was really cool to see her finally get baptized and have her husband baptize her. Pictures that coming.

(Some of the 13 Elders who taught Christie)

The past couple weeks, we've been teaching Libbie Smith. She's prayed about the Book of Mormon and found out for herself it was true. She accepted a date to be baptized and goes to church every week. She's golden. This past week we found that she was trying to stop smoking.

Not only is it a good idea, but something that has been commanded of us from God through a modern prophet. And something she would have to stop before she could be baptized. We had a lesson about it and she showed the faith she had to follow all the commandments she would be asked to follow, including not smoking or drinking coffee. We asked if there was a date we could set as a goal to stop smoking. She sat and thought for a second and said, "I just won't smoke anymore. I'll stop tonight." It was awesome! We got to take away her ashtray, coffee pot, and all the coffee she had. It was great to see the changes she was willing to make, quitting smoking and drinking coffee cold turkey, just because it was asked of her and she knew it came from a true prophet of God.

She's now gone 7 days strong without touching the stuff. Ignoring co-workers, and surviving as being a single mom with 3 kids all under the age of 8. I just think, if she can do all this, I can do anything I've been asked to do. I'm reminded of a scripture in the Book of Mormon, Mosiah 4:27 says: "...for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength..." I know anything that we're asked to do is supported by the Lord and we can accomplish anything with his support.

Love Yall, write me!

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