Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Howdy Y'all

This week has been good. Pretty uneventful. Elder Evensen has spent half the week sick, so I've caught up on a little sleep. It's been nice. But, at the same time, not nice because I feel like barely anything has been accomplished.

I did have one good story. A few weeks ago, I mentioned my plan to get Torris, the retired judge, to read the Book of Mormon. After that we didn't have a lesson for another 2 or 3 weeks. When we finally did have a lesson he did read the 3 chapters we left with him. Instead of the usual questions about church history that he had before, he asked about the Atonement! It was awesome! He had no idea what it was or meant.

After 4 months of teaching him off and on, he had a question that we loved to answer. Our next lesson with him, last Tuesday, he had read all of the First Book of Nephi, 22 Chapters, in the one week. And we have a lesson with him tonight that he's planning on having Second Nephi read. Now that we finally got him to start, he doesn't want to stop. It's so awesome, and really strengthened my testimony on the Book of Mormon.

I look back on the times that my family read it together. When my Dad, Mom, and sisters all took turns reading and talking about the Book of Mormon. I love having those memories. And it has helped me to push it on everyone I can, like Torris.  I can see how he's enjoyed it. I encourage all, Mormon and those of other faiths, to read it (as a family if possible) and pray about it.

Keep in touch


Elder Pearson

Utah, Ogden Mission

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