Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This has been a great week. We contacted a Hispanic guy in a street. He spoke nothing but Spanish to us. We stood there for a couple minutes trying to get our point across until he started speaking in perfect English! He was a member and basically wanted to see how long we'd keep trying. It was pretty funny.

We had Zone Conference this week. We got some sweet new phones. pic included.

Elder Pearson new cell phone

I love showing it to everyone up here who has returned from missions and barely got cell phones to begin with.

We also had Alex Boye as a guest speaker/singer. He's a professional singer with a couple CD's and in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He was really motivational.

Elder Evensen, Alex Boye, Elder Pearson

He read a great scripture, Proverbs 23:7 which says, "..As he thinketh in his heart, so is he" The things we think about and focus on become our goals and what we become.

We had a sweet lesson. Well most are. But it was the first lesson with someone new, Marlen. Usually the first lesson is the restoration of the gospel, so that's what we taught. When we first started, Marlen's brother in the room right next to us was watching some Jerry Springer type show and had it on pretty loud. It's kinda hard to have the spirit when the tv's on and it's people chasing each other around on a stage and having 2/3 of the things they say beeped out. It was rainy outside and I remember thinking that'd it'd be great if the power went out. As we finished teaching the things that most people have in common with us (God is our loving Heavenly Father, families are blessed by the gospel, prophets in the Bible, and Christ's earthly ministry and death) something happened. The power went out! It was light enough from the window that it didn't affect us at all. But trash TV was turned off. It ended up being a great rest of the lesson.  By the closing prayer the sun was out and it was peaceful.

It helped my testimony of how important it is to make sure the spirit is there as we teach. That's what teaches people. That's what converts them. I know the things I tell people every day on the street or in a lesson is true because of that same spirit.

Love yall, keep in touch.

Elder Pearson

Utah, Ogden Mission

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