Tuesday, April 13, 2010

We Got The Cops Called On Us!

2 non-spiritual requirements for an epic mission are 1. Good dog story and 2. Good cop story. I'm still working on the first, but I think I have a decent cop story now. We went to talk to a member about some top-secret missionary business, but the member wasn't home. So, we decided to knock a couple doors.

Our first door we noticed a NO SOLICITING sign and a printed out piece of paper talking about how soliciting is illegal. So we stopped to read it, and as we were reading it, the door suddenly opened and some crazy lady was inside all mad at us for being missionaries and not reading the paper and leaving fast enough. In the middle of her rant, she got a phone call and answered it. So we were just standing there while she talked on the phone, wondering if there was more to come. After a while we waved goodbye to her and knocked some more houses.

Once down the street we saw a cop car roll by and stop in front of her house and were like, she actually did it. It was sweet. After a while, the cop drove up to us and talked for a while. He had common sense so didn't do anything. Just told us to take the address down and not go back. It was nice.

It's been a crazy week besides that. I saw Elder Firth, who served in my home ward in Houston. He just drove by us, saw me and pulled over to talk to me. It took a second to recognize him, but it was cool to talk to him. While in a youth Sunday school class, I learned from a teacher, who was teaching the ten commandments to 15 year olds, that if you go to school and make money to support yourself instead of immediately having kids, you are breaking the 10th commandment, not to covet. This is why we have lesson manuals and are told not to include our own opinion as doctorine... because people are crazy.

Besides that, Elder Evensen and I have just been working hard in Clinton. We're teaching a retired Judge who is used to doing things his way and wants to learn all about the Book of Mormon before he reads it. Which isn't bad, but we could spend a whole year before he reads it and is able to pray if it's true. So, I gave him a DVD that is all about church history and told him I have more if he does his homework and reads. It's like I'm teaching kindergarten, but it's what works. Besides that, Elder Evensen is going to have a root canal in a couple days, continuing my cycle of every other companion needing surgery while serving with me. cursed much? O well, my next comp doesn't have to worry. Keep being good, and tell me of any missionary or spiritual experience yall have.

Love yall,

Elder Pearson

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