Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April Fools?

Odgen Temple April 6, 2010- notice the snow?

So crazy weekend, the weather decided to pull an April fool's prank on the first and gave us every kind of weather possible. Just short of raining fire. Then we woke up this morning to a foot of snow. where's Spring?

More dog stories! I met another dog named Gypsy. End of story one.

There was a dog, friendly, who followed Elder Evensen and I on our bikes for at least 2 miles. We were trying to lose him the whole time. This thing was fast! Every time he'd stop and we thought we'd lost him he fly past us like it was nothing. We eventually dropped him off at a member's home, and not exactly sure what happened to him. He's safe though.

Anywho, Easter weekend was amazing. General Conference was by far inspired. I encourage everyone to watch/ read Saturday Morning's session if you havn't yet. I can't talk about my favorite talk because they all rocked! I can't wait till I get to read over them all and let a little more of what's been said soak in. These men are truely Prophets and Apostles. The women are also inspired of God to say what they need to. Such great testimonies of Christ and what he's done for us.

I love being a missionary during holidays because we get to remember the actual reason we have them (and we get wayy more candy, hehe) We've met one new person we're gonna start teaching, her name is Stephy. She's 17 and ready to turn her life around. We're gonna hook her up with some good friends and teach her all about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She has a real desire to learn and change things. Her voicemail says "I'm making a lot of changes in my life right now and if i don't get back to you, you're probably one of them" It's sweet. I can't wait to teach her, there's a lot she doesn't know.

Well i'm done talking. Keep the true meaning of Easter in yall's mind, and watch/read all of conference if you can. It was amazing. One comment I will make is that about half the talks either mentioned or were entirely about families and Mothers. These two things should be the main focus of everyone! We're comming on tough times and will need strong families, children who are taught the gospel, parents who love and care, brothers and sisters who support family and friends during tough times. And the Priesthood to be a strong anchor in each home that has it. I know that through Christ, death isn't the end. Through Christ, we can repent of anything we can do. And through Christ, we can feel love that nobody can compete with, but a mother is the closest who can. I love my family, I love Christ, I love this church and all it's taught me. I love each of yall, keep up the faith during any and all hard times.

Elder Pearson

Elders Pearson and Santiago - both from TX - with Pres. Obama

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