Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Transfers! I'm Staying

Elder Pearson, Elder Evensen and The Duran Family

So Elder Evensen and I are staying together in Clinton. It's sweet. This place has no good scenery, and not too many good places to eat, but the people are amazing!

March 27th is going to be a big day for us. we have 5 separate people getting baptized. so we're going to spend all day at baptisms... which is fine by me. It's gonna be an amazing day.

We had a baptism this last Saturday. Brother Duran, who I talked about last week, baptized his son. It was so great! He has come such a long way to be able to do this and the spirit was amazingly strong. The room was packed too. We expected maybe 1/4 of the people that showed up, but everyone was there to support the Durans.  It was definitely the highlight of my week.

We also spoke at a meeting with Emily Freeman. I didn't know who she is but apparently she's a good author and knew the scriptures well. She gave a great talk. We were kind of just the opening act.

Another sweet story was yesterday we contacted a family that hasn't made it out to church for a long time. The mother was baptized about 3 years ago and when she moved to Clinton decided the neighborhood wasn't nice enough and didn't want to go to church and get looked down upon for anything. So, she refused to go. She said nobody has come up and introduced themselves to her. Right as we were outside her front door talking about that, someone who just moved into the ward came up and introduced herself! She just got off a mission from Texas and wanted to get to know the neighbors. Things turned around immediately.
We're going to a couple of these kids and get them to go to church with their new neighbor/friend.

Honestly an answer to our prayer at exactly the right time. I know that our Father in Heaven answers our prayers through other people and when we feel impressed to go do something.... DO IT! It was real cool to see this happen, and it got me thinking how many perfect opportunities like this God sets up and people just don't act. This isn't to condemn anyone, just a reminder. With the Lord on our side and the Holy Ghost helping us out, we can all be amazing instruments to help people out.

Anyone who has a good missionary or spiritual experience, whether you are Mormon or not, please send them to me. I love reading them and they help me out. Love yall,

Elder Pearson

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