Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's Getting Warm In Utah

To start, my uncle Steven had to leave his mission in Brazil early due to medical reasons. Some prayers are much needed and would greatly help. Thank you.

Besides that, Elder Evensen and I met a couple, Hillary and Bill, living in Clinton. Thought that was pretty funny. And I met someone related to Dan Jones. Anyone who doesn't know who he is, look at Preach My Gospel toward the beginning there is a picture of him. One of the greatest missionaries in the latter days. It is too bad the lady related to him doesn't ever go to church. But we're trying to work on it.

Not a lot has happened this week. We got yelled at by one of our investigator's dad because we expected her to continue going to church after she gets baptized. So he postponed the baptism. So we are down to 4 people getting baptized this Saturday, which is keeping us busy enough planning 4 separate baptisms in one day. Can't Wait!

One cool story for the week: we met a family last week that we are going to start to teach. There is a mom, who is baptized but doesn't go to church. A teen-aged girl who is the same. A teen-aged boy who is into Satan. A 9 year old girl who doesn't want to be baptized, and an 8 year old boy, Brandon, who does. This kid is a stud. He's never been to church. So last week we mentioned that they should go to church and we might get someone to pick them up. We honestly said it not planning on being able or thinking they would want to go. Sunday morning our 8 O'clock meeting ended early and this family's ward started at 9. So we figured we'd stop by and make them feel bad for not being ready and try for the next week. When we knocked on the door at 8:45 Brandon walks out all dressed and said he's ready to go. We asked where the rest of his family was. The mom, he wasn't sure where she was... gone. The teenagers were asleep, and the other little kid didn't want to go. It makes me think, if I were 8, would I get myself up, dressed, and head to a church I've never been to before that starts at 9 in the morning? Alone? Never! This kid is a stud! Talk about motivated. He was scared walking in, but things worked out and he loved it. That's what inspires me to be out here. If an 8 year old can go to church, anyone can!  I never have an excuse not to go for the rest of my life.

Love yall. Keep up the great work. Write me,

Elder Pearson

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