Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Great Day To Be A Missionary

Today is my 6 month mark. Which sucks cause I only have 18 months left. I really gotta step it up and invite everyone unto Christ.

Every missionary gets a cool dog story. I still haven't yet. I almost did this week. This huge dog was walking down the street unmonitored. It walked up to us all happy and I tried to pet it. Right when that happened it tried to bite my hand off and started barking and growling and running around us. We decided to just ignore it until it actually bit us. Eventually it left us alone.

Then we walked by 2 bulldogs in a backyard. The fence to the backyard might as well of not been there. Every time either of them took a step forward to bark at us it would go right under the fence and stick half way out. So they were either very dumb or obedient. In any case, I'm still waiting to get bit some time. It'll happen.

The work's been going great. Clinton has really turned around. We had about 6 people we were teaching when I first got here. 2 Got baptized. And now we have just over 15 people we're teaching. It's amazing the blessings you get when you serve and work your tail off every day. It's awesome. We have transfers on Wed. So next week I'll let yall know what's going on. I really really don't wanna leave Clinton. But I also wouldn't mind a different comp. We'll see what happens.

Something really cool happened this week, a true miracle. We're teaching a guy, Mike, in his 50's who hasn't really progressed or gone to church or even prayed... until this week. Elder Evensen was inspired to ask Brother Duran, someone who was in a complete other ward, in his late 20's, and didn't know Mike at all to teach with us. When he told me that's what he was thinking I immediately knew it was from God and we should make it a priority to bring him to the next lesson. We knew that both Mike and Bro Duran had similar backgrounds as far as dealing with gangs and things like that, so it sounded like a good idea.

Mike canceled the first lesson we planned to bring Bro Duran to. The next one we almost had to cancel but a lesson we had planned at that time fell through so we could go to the lesson with Mike. Once we got Bro Duran there he just realized he was best friends with Mike's son, who was murded in California. He bore strong testimony about how he changed from gangster to member and got Mike to pray at the end of the lesson. We'll see how the next lessons with him go, but it goes to show you that our Father in Heaven knows everyone better than we do and can inspire us to help people in ways we wouldn't of thought to.

I gotta go, but love yall,

Elder Pearson

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