Tomorrow is my 18 month mark, and it's just not right. I'll probably only be in 1 more area after this one. It sucks to know it's all coming to an end.
Elder Pearson and Elder Mocke before Elder Mocke left |
But Elder Daly is awesome. He's from Baltimore, Maryland. We're working hard and getting along great! This is my 13th transfer. And Elder Daly is my 13th companion.
We had an awesome baptism this Saturday. His name is A.C. One Saturday night, AC was praying and asked God what he should do. He got his answer to go to church. So he went to the LDS church for the first time ever, and the missionaries happened to be there. They met up and taught him. He's homeless, but going to college right now. He's like Will Smith on Pursuit of Happyness.
AC, Elder Mocke and Stevie |
I got a letter from the Kynastons. They were in my first area, now they live in North Ogden. Garrett was the first person I baptized on my mission. He's 13 now, and I just heard he's in his Deacon Quorum Presidency! I don't care he's in the presidency, but this means he's active in the Church! His mom is about to start classes to work twards going to the temple! It's always scary when you baptize someone. Because you have no idea if, or for how long, they'll stay in the church. So it was awesome to hear from them, and to hear they are still in the gospel
But anyway. It's cold and snowy, but I wouldn't wanna be anywhere but here right now.
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