Monday, November 22, 2010


Zone November 2011
Tomorrow is transfers. We got transfer calls this morning, and I am getting kicked out of Layton. I'm going back to the Roy Zone, in the Kanesville area. I don't know too much about Kanesville, but hopefully it'll be sweet.

I'm gonna have a car! It'll be my first car area in 14 months. Right in time too. It's getting cold. But I'm scared to drive for the first time in over a year in the snow. I'll be serving with Elder William. I've served around him before. He's a good kid... he's into world of warcraft and all that. So it'll be a fun transfer. I didn't want to get transfered yet, but it's not up to me.

We've got 2 sweet baptisms set up this upcoming Saturday that I'm going to try to come back to Layton for. Until learning I was leaving this area 2 days before Thanksgiving, this week has been pretty good.

There is a family in our area that will be on tv. TLC is making a new show about spoiled kid's birthday parties. It'll be like Super Sweet 16 except with a 6 year old. The Lunt family in our area was chosen for the first pilot episode. The show gave this family 20 Grand to spend on this party. It's crazy. So, if anyone wants to see the people I've been dealing with the last 4 1/2 months, check it out. They are a cool family though.

This week, our Zone Leaders gave out awards to every missionary for random things. Miller got rookie of the year. But I got the coolest award ever: Most Likely to Secede the Union and become the first President of the Country of Texas. So yall know that I'm still showing love for the true Zion.

We had a really cool experience this week that showed how much service can change a person. We were tracting some apartments. Right as we knocked on one specific door, the guy opened it up and said: "I gotta move a couch, come back another time...... actually don't!" We offered to help move the couch. He accepted. Then we spent the next hour helping him put it together in his apartment. We found out he grew up in the church, but doesn't go anymore. And his wife wasn't a member. They are expecting a baby and said they were actually thinking of looking for a religion to raise the baby in. They told us to stop by any time and talk to them.

It was so cool to see the 180 he turned. From not willing to talk to us, to opening up, getting to know us, and potentially learning about the church with his wife. Service does wonders.

This Thanksgiving season, especially, I'm trying to look for anything I can do for other people. That will be my showing my appreciation for all I've been given. And when you reach out to help others only good will come back to you.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Elder Pearson with his warm hat.
 Hey y'all, how's everyone doing? This week has been bueno.

We got a chance to hear from, and talk to Sister Cook. She is the First Counselor in the General YW Presidency. She gave a very inspiring fireside, and was pretty cool to talk to a bit afterward.

We've had a few investigators have different concerns slowing down their process towards baptism. A lot have been family concerns. It has got to be hard to do anything without family support, which is why I'm so glad to have such a good, supportive family.

Another thing I'm glad for is the spirit. It makes missionary work so much more effective. A few nights ago, Elder Miller and I were walking to a lesson with Christian, who's (fingers crossed) getting baptized on Dec 27th. While we were walking, we got the impression to visit some investigators, Robert and Tammy on the way. It would make us late, but we felt it was something important. We also felt like singing a hymn to them. And y'all know it would need to be some pretty strong inspiration to get me to sing!

We popped in and sang "Did you think to pray?" It was a pretty amazing feeling. At the end of the song, Tammy had tears streaming down her face and Elder Miller and I both knew that was where we were supposed to be at that time. The lesson we were late for fell through, so we lost nothing by going there, we only gained strength to our testimonies on how the spirit guides. God answers everyone's prayers through all of us. We just have to act on those feelings.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Elder Pearson and Elder Miller day 1 - at the mission home.
 Not too much to report this week. It's getting cold, and snow is everywhere.... yippee? But luckily I have a very warm hat I got from home that is helping me out.

Elder Miller and I are continuing to find, teach, and baptize. So all is well.

William's Baptism - November 2010

Faith's baptism - with her family.  November 2010.
 The Book of Mormon is continuing to teach me new things. I've started it for the 4th or 5th time, and no matter how many times I've read it, I keep getting more out of it. Right now, I'm in Nephi. He was asked to do many difficult, time consuming, and challenging things in the first few chapters of 1st Nephi. Most of the time, as he started the task, he didn't fully understand why he was doing these things, or why they needed to be done.  Yet he had complete faith in the Lord that not only were these things he didn't understand important, but the way was going to be prepared for him and the task was always possible.

A verse that sticks out is Chapter 9: verses 5 and 6. Nephi was commanded to make 2 separate accounts of the same history of his people. Which is hard by itself, but he had to do that by engraving gold plates, which probably took some time.  He said: "Wherefore, the Lord hath commanded me to make these plates for a wise purpose in him, which purpose I know not. But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning."

There's a lot of times I don't understand why there is a certain commandment or rule. And I follow it only half heartedly. This is something I'm gonna work on. The scriptures are a great example for me to continue to do what I know is right and important. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I know I haven't sent any pictures lately. I have a good amount, something just stops me from doing it every week. It's been everything from forgetting the cord to link my camera to the computer, to having a slow computer, to running out of time, or having a computer that won't recognize my camera. I'll get it done next week.

This week has gone well. We had 2 people get baptized. One was Faith, a 9 year old girl who's family is coming back into the church and plan on getting sealed in the temple. The other was William, an 18 year old who's been a blast to teach. Just as we had 2 people less to teach, we picked up 2 more this week who want to be baptized. The work won't seem to slow down... which is a good problem to have. Just crazy times.

They're kicking me off the computer now. So I have got to go. Love yall